
I was born in 1974 in Liège (Belgium) and received primary and secondary education in French at the Saint-Sépulcre Institute in Liège.

In 1998, I finished my law studies at the University of Liège and obtained my undergraduate degree then I received equivalency of my degree at the Law Faculty of Ankara University in 2001.

I completed my professional training at Maître Philippe FAVART’s office in Stembert, at Maître Kemal DAYINLARLI’s office, and in the ALŞAN Office in Ankara.

I have been practicing as a lawyer in Ankara since 2002. A variety of cases are handled, including cases pertaining to International Law, Family Law, Civil Law, Contracts Law, Energy Law, Property Law, Commercial Law, Corporate Law, Criminal law, Administrative Law, Work Law, Seizure and Bankruptcy Law.

I am proficient in the French language and a legal adviser for embassies of Francophone countries (French, Belgian, Moroccan, Tunisian and Algerian Embassies) in Ankara.

I have visited Tunisia, Morocco and Belgium to deal with international affairs. Our Firm works in cooperation with an International Law Firm in Montreal for immigration cases in Canada. My name is also on the Register of Mediators in Turkey and our Firm provides mediation services in Turkish and French.

We are prepared to perform juridical and mediation services for Turkish citizens living abroad and for any foreign persons and/or corporations established in Turkey or abroad.

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